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Janice Feldman

Janice Feldman

Janice Feldman, a renowned business leader and contributor to material innovation, was named 2017’s NEWH ICON of Industry and was the recipient of the IIDA 2018 Titan Award. ​As the original founder of JANUS et Cie, Feldman began with a single showroom in the Los Angeles Pacific Design Center and continued to grow the company toward becoming a comprehensive global lifestyle brand and full-service design resource with extensive and varied collections, now owned by Haworth Inc. Feldman’s JANUS et Cie collections include Akuu, the Alta series, Artisan, Bon Vivant, Box, Boxwood, Capella, Chamfered, Charles, Charm, Conic, Cortino, Duo, Dupioni, Dupioni II, Grotto, Habitat, Hiragata, Hoffman, Hydria, Katachi, Knossos, Knot, Kouros, Kudo, Kyoto Alu, Luce del Sole, Matisse, Montpelier, Nexus, Niche, Oursin, Panini, Protea, Roma, Rondo, Rush, Sash, Sea Fan, Slant, Suki, Tamiko, Teak Lanterns, Timor, Triad, Trig, Tulip Planters, Vino, Waitsfield, Whisk, Whiskey, and Wing. Other designs include the Smoke finish for the Amari collection, the Savannah Dining Table and Quadratl Sideboard, and textiles including Annabel, Brook Trout, By-The-Sea, Chloe, Continental Drift, Luxe, Overland, Plume, Remarkable, Uluru, Van Gogh and Weatherskin.