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Care & Maintenance for Alizabeth

Brass (Metals)

Brass is alloy metal made primarily of copper and zinc. Brass can range in color from red to yellow depending on the amount of zinc added to the alloy. Brass is commonly used for decorative purposes primarily because of its high durability and does not rust. Exposed brass will oxidize and form a patina. The patina is a coating of verdigris which is blue-green in color. To retain the original finish please follow instructions below.


  • A general cleaning with mild, pH-neutral soap such as Dawn® and clean water using a non-abrasive cloth or sponge, being sure to thoroughly dry.
  • Cleaning any metal surfaces with abrasives, scouring powder or hard bristle brushes is not recommended.
  • Brass will tarnish so to maintain the finish/sheen, immediately following cleaning, a very thin layer of high-quality spray automotive wax (such as carnauba wax) should be applied and the excess buffed or wiped off with a dry cloth.


  • To remove oxidation/mineral deposits, lightly pick off built-up minerals with a soft nylon bristle brush and buff with a clean, soft cloth. Apply a thin layer of high-quality spray automotive wax (such as carnauba wax) and buff using a clean, soft cloth.